Going the Wrong Way: A coming of age story like no other. Chris escapes 1970s Belfast, on his Moto Guzzi Le Mans, to find himself, and the road to Australia. What could possibly go wrong!

Going the Wrong Way, Author signed paperback

£14.95 Selling


Since the Stone Age, the Walkabout has been an Aboriginal rite of passage. When adolescent boys wander aimlessly through the bush on a journey with no particular destination, to make the spiritual transition from boy to man. It’s a time for self-assessment and deep thought, to learn about himself without the influence of his elders, friends, or family. It’s a physical and psychological journey.

Chris didn’t look like an Aboriginal adolescent as he set off from Belfast on his café racing Moto Guzzi. But it was the same determination that drove him to set off on a journey of self-discovery. This desire drove him to break free from the mediocre, middle-class existence and reach out for the unknown. The demand was irresistible and bound him to the ancient ritual that many young men before me had taken. But when the Iranian revolution stopped the planned 4-month, 10,000 mile bike trip to Australia, he ends high in the Andes, 50-odd thousand miles later, before returning to Belfast.

Extra-ordinary is a genuine understatement for the journey, especially, when seen through the eyes of a lad brought up in the 70s Belfast Troubles where this venture began. Belfast was closed in on itself, with gates, checkpoints, fences, fears and suspicions holding many people trapped. A sobering realisation among the ensuing adventures is that across continents there was no escape from meetings with checkpoints, guns and fearful divisions. However, the outstanding thing the author lets us share in, is the network of positive humanity around the world, enabling challenges to be met and overcome or circumvented. And somehow there is always petrol (and golden syrup) to be found, to fuel the next step forwards.

An amazing adventure before google maps, mobile phones and social media. At times breathtaking when going through some hairy situations along with the best of Belfast humour. Unlike those today caught up taking photos of every moment and shared on social media.


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